Children’s Picture Books Available for Purchase

The Good Things About Grandmas!

There’s so many good things about Grandmas, just where do we start!?!

They are kind and loving, but just a little nutty, like their fruit cakes! Of course they’re always super pleased to see us, and they give the best hello hugs, and they give the best hello kisses, but they always want more! In fact, there’s just not enough kisses for all the Grandmas I know!

Like my Grandpa book, this contains two stories in one, where the larger text and illustrations tell one story, while the silhouettes tell a completely different one. This one is about two kids spending the day with their Grandma and all the things they get up to!


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The Bad Thing About Grandpas!

What’s bad about Grandpas you ask? Well there’s only one thing – and that’s their jokes! This book is filled with some of their silliest, corniest, and hilariously funny jokes – What do cows like to do in the city? – Go to the moovies! Why are lions so lazy? – Because they’re always just lion around! I told you they were bad! This book will be lots of fun for the whole family to enjoy. For younger children who may not get some of the jokes, there are also silhouettes telling an entire story all of their own.


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A Book of Tassie Babies!

A Book of Tassie Babies! takes readers on a journey of the senses through the different landscapes of Tasmania, getting children to think about the sights, sounds and smells of the Tassie bush. Together we explore around the coast, hike along beside the creeks, and wander through the rainforests. Pages of detailed text can be read to older children, or simple rhyming couplets for younger ones, accompany beautiful illustrations of some adorable Tassie babies. There are fact pages, a list of native flowers, as well as things hidden in the pictures for children to find! Children from 0-6 will enjoy this book!


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Mothers and Babies and All the Best Dads!

Mothers and Babies and All the Best Dads! is a book celebrating parents and all the wonderful things they do for their babies. Each page is accompanied by stunning illustrations showing how animals do all the things us humans do! Again the silhouettes have their own tale to tell, this time about a baby elephant. There are poignant bits and funny bits and even bits that make you cry! I think this one might be my favourite book so far and would make the perfect present for any young family, for those with a new baby, for an expecting Mum, and especially for a baby shower!


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A Book of Farm Babies!

A book of Farm Babies, looks like a simple little book on the outside, but in fact contains many layers! Each page introduces the name of the baby, the sound they make, where they are on the farm (with a wee bit of alliteration included!). It explores the prepositions such as, in, under, over, through, etc. In addition the silhouettes tell their own story, for as each animal comes into play, they eat the hay that Farmer Brown is delivering (although I suspect it was the goat that ate everything!) Readers also need to be aware of the colour of the flowered letters on each page, because that is the code for the colouring-in page and map in the back. In addition there is also a page of fun little facts. This is the perfect book for all young children (aged 0-5) who love animals!


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A Book of Aussie Babies

A Book of Aussie Babies is a fact book to inform young children (and their parents!) of just some of the fascinating characteristics of our unique Australian wildlife. I guarantee everyone will learn something from this little book, I certainly did writing it! And just to be sure, I asked my cousin from Flinders University – Dr Rachel Correll (specialising in marsupials) – to check, and I haven’t told any lies – which is very important in a fact book! Again each page includes pictures of our delightful Aussie babies and there’s also a glossary in the back. This book is for slightly older children (aged 4-7), but will be adored by lovers of all things Aussie!


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A 123 of Baby Birds

A 123 of Baby Birds was written to accompany my ABC book and to help children learn to count. This little book is in the form of a rhyme which young children particularly love (e.g. 3 fluffy egrets with their sticky-up feathers, 4 baby owlets snuggled up together!). Again there are fun facts in the back but there are also silhouettes of little birds on a wire, which tell their own story, and provide something else on each page for children to count. Well known birds such as chickens and ducklings are included but also some quirky and unusual birds from all over the world. A 123 of Baby Birds is another lovely book for babies and young children up to the age of five to enjoy.


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An ABC of Baby Animals

An ABC of Baby Animals was the first book I wrote and also drew the illustrations for. It contains multiple layers to help young children learn the alphabet and explore the different sounds of each letter. This is the first ABC book I’ve found that explores the long and short vowel sounds (e.g. E for Emu and E for Elephant) and also the hard and soft sounds of the letters C and G (i.e. G for Guinea Pig and G for Giraffe). Each letter is accompanied by beautiful illustrations of animals every child will recognise, but also introduces some rare and unusual ones as well. In addition there are pages of fun facts at the back of the book together with the footprints of each animal (although I did make up unicorn footprints, because I couldn’t find them anywhere!!) . An ABC of Baby Animals is the perfect present for babies and young children up to the age of five.


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